Would you partner with us to reach people for Christ? Like many other mission organizations, This Redeemed Life depends upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals and churches. We need your help. We ask that you prayerfully consider financially supporting TRL. If you give to specific staff, your support goes toward their salary, benefits, and any expenses they incur while ministering to women.
You will be directed to paypal to enter your amount and payment details. If you want to direct the funds to a particular area, please write it in where you see “Area of Support” under the amount on on the PayPal Form. If you wish to make a recurring donation please check “make this a monthly donation” in the form or use the button on the right side of the page.
Choose your level of support and whether the support should be directed to a staff member, or kept general. You will be redirected to Paypal, where you can log in or choose “pay with a credit card”. If you wish to enter your own amount, click the one-time donation button on the left side of the page and choose “Make this a monthly donation”.
Please make checks payable to This Redeemed Life and mail to:
This Redeemed Life
PO BOX 781788
San Antonio, Texas 78278
*If donating towards staff, please include their name in the memo line.
To set up a monthly, recurring charge to your credit card, please contact Marian Ellis at info@thisredeemedlife.org. All charges are run on the 15th of each month.
To set up a monthly, recurring automatic draft from your banking account, please contact Marian Ellis at info@thisredeemedlife.org.
To work diligently to touch the lives of people for Jesus Christ . To regularly let you know how God is blessing the ministry. To be financially faithful with the funds given TRL is a 501c3 non-profit. All gifts are tax deductible.