Recommended Resources


Are you eager to live for Christ in your generation? Do you feel a tug in your heart to serve God? Perhaps you are struggling to know what God is calling you to do, or you feel uncertain about where to start. These curated resources are designed to help you prayerfully seek the Lord so you can live for His glory in your generation.

Equipped for the Call

this redeemed life podcast

Living for God’s Glory

There is power in one life fully surrendered to the will of God. One person can change history. Take William Wilberforce for example, he loved God and was used to abolish slavery! Just imagine what God could do with your life!

holding a bible

What is Your Calling?

Called. That word carries with it a dual weight of responsibility and identity. First of all, how do I know if am called? Secondly, what am I called to do? Finally, what if my calling is not as cool as someone else? So many questions! So much confusion! In this article, Marian shares how you can discover your calling is in the Kingdom of God.

woman with scarf

You Have a Purpose in the Kingdom of God

Women play a vital role in the Kingdom of God. After all, the very first proclaimer of the resurrection was a woman. If you know Jesus as Savior, then you have the same redemption story and now you just need to share it! Just as He sent Mary Magdalene out to proclaim the resurrection story, He is sending you to proclaim the same great news of His love and salvation to your friends, coworkers, and family.

this redeemed life podcast

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

We are the Church, the Body of Christ! Each of us is entrusted with Spiritual Gifts to use for God’s glory. We all have a role to play, and no one sits on the bench in God’s Kingdom. In episode 17, Marian unpacks Ephesians 4:7-13 and looks at the spiritual gifts given to the Church. Marian addresses the different perspectives on spiritual gifts and which are active today in the Church. She also shares how you can discern how you’ve been gifted and begin to take your place in God’s Kingdom.

woman praying

Becoming a Woman of Prayer

Each of us is called to serve God. Through prayer and seeking the Lord, we can discover who God created us to be and entrust our lives to Him to be used for His glory.