You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You, in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
-Hillsong United
Seven years ago, I stood knee deep in the ocean, staring at the immense beauty that God created, feeling waves crash against me when I heard the Lord speak clearly to my heart. He wanted to provide a place where women who were hungry to know Him, women who needed to experience a fresh touch of God’s Spirit, women who were called to lead in their generation could come away and stand in oceans deep. This was not to be a women’s conference nor was this to be a one-night pep rally, this was more, much more. The word whispered in my spirit was institute. Honestly, in that moment, I didn’t know what the word institute meant. I just knew the Lord was calling me to establish one for women.
The word institute is from the Latin, which means, “to establish.” It speaks of laying a foundation that supports and girds up everything else. Imagine the Eiffel Tower, one of the most recognized symbols on earth. It reaches hundreds of feet into the sky. The secret to the strength and height of the Eiffel Tower is the foundation that supports it that goes deep underground; bearing the weight of the steel structure for millions of visitors a year.
What I sensed from the Lord is that He wanted to provide a place, a time, a space where women could come away from the normal and have their lives formed around God’s Word and His glorious vision for their lives. To establish a firm foundation of faith and freedom that would enable women to follow Jesus out into the deep, past the break of ocean waves, where feet may fail but faith will stand!
At Redeemed Girl Institute (RGI) we hope to provide just that space. RGI is a week away from work, school and normal day-to-day life where women can experience God. We seek to provide a time of immense learning but also of deep healing. The last thing we want is more information about God; we hunger for a revelation of Jesus that transforms our souls. We want to wrestle with deep questions and point one another to truth.
Redeemed Girl Institute is for women ages 18-30. RGI is held this year at the exquisite, emerald waters and white sands of Pensacola Beach, Florida. Joining me on the teaching team this year are my friends, Leigh Kohler, Sharie King, and Kat Harris. One of the best aspects of RGI is the incredible worship led by Jourdan Johnson and Molley Moody. But RGI is much more…it is laughter and tears, community and healing, sun-kissed afternoons and deep conversations under the stars. Women from across the nation are already registering for RGI, but we still have a place for you.
Marian Jordan Ellis
RGM Founder & President