When Whitney told her boyfriend Seth, that she wanted to pursue purity in their relationship, he agreed. She had just finished reading Marian’s book, Sex and the Single Christian Girl, which solidified her vision for purity. Seeing the impact this book had on his girlfriend, Seth decided to read it too…read on to see how this book changed his perspective on sexual purity.


If you’re thinking this book is written just for girls, I might suggest otherwise.  I decided to read this book because I felt it was important for my relationship with my girlfriend.  She shared with me some of the things she was learning and I thought it might be helpful for me in understanding more of her heart if I read it as well.

At the beginning of our relationship, she came to me and shared her desire to honor The Lord in staying pure before marriage. I completely agreed with her and wanted to do the same. But looking back, I think my reason was more of “that’s just what you’re supposed to do because God says so.” But I could tell that there was more to her desire than just obeying the “rules”. I was intrigued by this and figured if I read Marian’s book I might gain a better understanding of her perspective.

I think this book has been one of the most helpful tools in our relationship. I think it’s so important that Christian males understand the mindset of our sisters in Christ and the pressures that they experience day in and day out. We live in a world that tells us that sex outside of marriage is normal and not a big deal.  As a guy, a lot of things in this book can be easy to overlook. It can be easy to look at “kissing” and “making out” as normal and not a big deal. But I’ve recognized that these things can lead to a desire for more. This book opened my eyes and helped me see things through the eyes of a female. Women are made in the image of God, and as a Christian male, I am to view them as such. Just as Marian stated in the book, “they are cherished and their purity is worth fighting for.”

One of the biggest things this book did for me was to help me realize how blessed I am to be in a relationship with a woman who is seeking God and seeking purity. This book has encouraged me to be the man of God He is calling me to be.

Guys: The pursuit to remain pure is not easy. But trust me when I say that God will bless you and your relationship. Respect your partner and her desire to remain pure. Also, have a firm grasp of why she wants to remain pure.

Girls: If you are in a relationship with a guy who does not respect you nor your desire to remain pure, GET OUT. God has someone so much better for you.

I recommend this book, not just for Christian women, but also for Christian men.

-Seth Swindle

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