
While most Americans look forward to October 31st for the traditional feast of candy and festive costumes, I anticipate this upcoming Tuesday as the anniversary of one of the most momentous events in world history. October 31, 2017, marks 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church in...
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No one prepared me for the drastic change that would occur once I got married. I was prepared for a name change, an address change, and a status change. But the one thing I was absolutely unprepared for when I crossed the “I do” threshold was the physical change that happened once my title changed...
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The man I loved walked out the door with no promise to return. As I watched him walk to his car, I could barely move from the place where my feet were planted. Cemented to the spot where my heart bled, I mustered the strength to pray, “Jesus, help me.” When we were dating, Justin...
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