Last night I found myself sitting in a small circle, sharing my testimony with a handful of women. I shared of my search for love and life in all the empty places that are glamorized by the world and the brokenness and shame I experienced along the way. I told them of the love, joy, peace, and purpose I’ve discovered in following Jesus. After describing the radical transformation that occurred in my life, one of the women sheepishly raised her hand and asked the all-important question. She said, “I get it that you experienced forgiveness through Jesus, but how did you really change? How did you go from the girl you used to be to the woman you are today?”
I wanted to jump up and hug her! I sensed she was expressing something that many of us have felt at times. We hear that Jesus changes us, but often we look at our lives, and we don’t see any tangible difference. Our “before and after” spiritual photos don’t look too dramatic.
I think her question is one that many women—of all ages—long to know. How do we truly change? How do we overcome temptation? How do we live out our faith more authentically? How do we exhibit more fruit of God’s Spirit? Here’s the deal: Being a Christ follower is much more than just receiving salvation and a ticket to Heaven. The Bible makes the bold declaration that we are NEW CREATIONS! If that is true, then how do we live out this reality?
My answer to her was simple: “The Holy Spirit used God’s Word to change me from the inside out!”
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17
When I first started following Jesus, I simply began reading the Bible. While this daily devotion was good, it was not adequate to dismantle the lies I believed about myself and to increase my faith in God. So a mentor of mine challenged me to memorize scripture. She said, “God’s word is a powerful weapon that destroys the fortress of lies and unbelief in our minds and replaces these lies with truth.”
“It is true that we live in the world, but we do not fight from worldly motives. The weapons we use in our fight are not the world’s weapons, but God’s powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds. We destroy false arguments; we pull down every proud obstacle raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
At first I was daunted by this challenge. I had painful visions of late night study sessions using flash cards to memorize boring facts. This didn’t appeal to me at all. But then my mentor modeled for me the power of scripture memory. Just as good nutrition changes our physical bodies, so a steady diet of God’s word changes us. Our thoughts change. Our attitudes change. Our passions change. Over time, our lives are transformed!
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2
So I gave it a shot. I began with a few scripture verses and as I saw the power of God’s word change my thoughts, I went on to memorize whole books of the Bible: Colossians, Philippians and many of the Psalms. Please hear me, I don’t say this to #humble brag. I tell you this to be a living and breathing “before and after” photo of the power of memorizing God’s word. IT ABSOLUTELY TRANSFORMED ME!
God’s word has freed me from addictions and insecurities. God’s word gave me hope during my toughest trials. Through memorizing scripture, I’ve been empowered to resist temptation and to stand against the enemy’s attacks. Girls, all I can say is God’s word is supernatural, and when it’s inside of us through memorization and meditation, the Holy Spirit brings it to mind in our moment of need.
One of our core beliefs at Redeemed Girl Ministries is that REVELATION CAUSES TRANSFORMATION. In 2015, we are on a mission to see women across the globe experience real transformation in Christ. To help this happen, we are thrilled to announce our new Scripture Memory Cards!
We’ve teamed up with our friends at the Scarlet and Gold shop to bring you 52 beautiful and life-changing scriptures. The cards are divided into seven themes with seven to eight scriptures for each theme. The intention is to memorize a scripture per week.
A Redeemed Girl is Transformed
A Redeemed Girl Beholds Jesus
A Redeemed Girl Believes God
A Redeemed Girl Knows Her Identity
A Redeemed Girl Prays
A Redeemed Girl Loves
A Redeemed Girl Stands
But that’s not all!
To help you understand the passage you’re memorizing, I recorded a five-minute teaching video for every scripture that explains the content, the context and the call of each verse. These videos will be available on the Redeemed Girl App (Apple, Android, and Windows), our website or our new Redeemed Girl Youtube Channel.
To order your scripture memory cards…visit Scarlet & Gold Shop
We would love to see how you’re using the cards and hear stories of how Jesus is changing your life. Tag us! #aredeemedgirl
Marian Jordan Ellis, RGM Founder & President