How to Host Virtual Bible Study

How to Host Virtual Bible Study 

Let’s face it, many of us are scratching our heads, questioning how to plan for the future in this ever-changing season. Uncertainty is the name of the game in 2020. Whether you are a college student wondering if you will actually be on campus this fall or a momma deliberating homeschooling your kiddos again, life is anything but “normal.” I am firmly convinced that now, more than ever, we must remain rooted in God’s word. Our hearts need to be fed a steady diet of TRUTH, and we can’t navigate this season alone—our souls thrive in COMMUNITY. We must make studying God’s word together a priority.

I also believe that God is calling redeemed women to step out in boldness and use this season to reach their friends with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Friends, we hold the true HOPE that the world is searching for, and perhaps the Lord is stirring in your heart and saying, “It’s time for you to step up and lead!”

If you are wondering how to lead in this crazy time, keep reading! 

I wanted to jump on with some quick tips to hosting your next women’s Bible study online. Imagine me as the cheerleader in your corner telling you that you can lead an amazing group virtually and experience the Holy Spirit’s power and vibrant community. Trust me, Jesus is not scared of Corona, and He is still moving in this pandemic. (Can someone say, “amen?”)

This summer, our ministry guided hundreds of women through virtual small-groups using For His Glory: Living as God’s Masterpiece (verse by verse study of Ephesians). We were blown away by the deep friendships, transformed lives, and spiritual growth that occurred in these online communities. After seeing the incredible fruit from these groups, we wanted to help you do the same for your next Bible study. So whether you are a small group of friends or a church needing to gather your women virtually … we got you covered! 

Girl on Laptop

5 Keys to Hosting a Virtual Bible Study

1. Pray! 

Have you considered the fact that God is in control, and perhaps He is using this unprecedented season for something glorious? As I look back over 2020, I’m amazed how God has used this pandemic to get women who have never opened a Bible to say “yes” to being in a small group Bible study with friends. The women who led our summer studies prayed for God to move and then stood in awe at how He drew women who desperately needed Jesus into their studies. Start today by praying for God to guide you and lead the women to be part of your group.

2. Begin Recruiting Today! 

Many women I talk to are eager to start planning for “normal” life again and are starving for community. This summer, our leaders simply posted a comment on Facebook, letting their friends know they were starting a group. The response was incredible—hundreds of women signed up! All you need to do is to let your friends know your group will meet online and set your date, time, and meeting platform. Early planning gives participants time to order the materials and schedule the meetings.

3. Choose a Meeting Platform. 

There are several virtual meeting options on the market, but we prefer the simplicity and privacy that Zoom offers. Important note: the basic Zoom (free) plan only allows for 40 minutes, which doesn’t provide much time for watching the teaching video and group discussion. To upgrade for unlimited time is $14.99 per month, and you can easily cancel after you study concludes.  

Here are two quick tutorials for anyone new to Zoom:

  • How to use Zoom on a MAC. 
  • How to use Zoom on a PC

4. Order Bible Study Materials.

Ask each participant to order the Bible Study workbook (see link below). The group leader or host church should download the teaching videos. (Note: The person hosting the Zoom meeting needs the teaching videos downloaded on their computer to watch together on Zoom.) 

• For His Glory Participant Workbook

• For His Glory Teaching Videos

• For His Glory Leader Guide 

(The leader guide is not required but is helpful and provides discussion questions and tips for hosting your group meeting.)

5. Host Your First Meeting: 

  • Begin your meeting by asking everyone to introduce themselves.
  • Open with prayer and review the discussion questions found in the Leader Guide.
  • Next, watch “For His Glory” Session 1 Video. Simply click the GREEN button that says “Share Screen” and then play the “For His Glory Video” that you previously downloaded.  

Friends, I can’t help but think about Queen Esther when I ponder the season of Covid-19. She was a woman whom God positioned for a divine purpose … “for such a time as this!” Could it be that God has placed you in this season … for such a time as this? You could be the reason a friend meets Jesus, experiences God’s grace, and begins her walk of faith. All you need to do is take the step of inviting her to join you as you study God’s word!

I am here for you on this journey. Please reach out to me by email or DM me on social media to let me know that you are leading a group – I want to lift you up and stand with you as you step out in faith.

For His Glory,


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