Basking in the Love of God
It’s been a deep conviction that I speak the truth of God’s love over my daughter. She need not search for validation or seek to find it somewhere else, as her momma did. I firmly believe that human beings flourish in the soil of love … this is just how God wired us. I think the purpose of the family unit is to demonstrate the love of the heavenly Father. From this foundation of love springs healthy and whole individuals. Therefore, I aim to remind her daily that I delight in her, and so does God!
Wrapping a towel around her, I asked, “Baby girl, what is wrong?” And her response broke my heart … She said, “I’m not your sunshine anymore.” She believed her actions of soaking the bathroom floor had caused me to not love her anymore.
It didn’t take a millisecond for the enemy to swoop in and plant doubt in her heart. A lie that suggested that because of a silly accident that I would cease to love her. Wrapping her up in my arms, I told her she would always be my sunshine, and there absolutely nothing she could do to change that. I explained that mommies and daddies have to correct and discipline our kids, but that doesn’t mean we stop loving them.
Yet, we too face an enemy, the Father of Lies, who plants seeds of doubt about God’s love for us. Satan wants us to believe that God’s love must be earned through perfection or striving. This lie, which is from the pit of hell, tells us that we are not, at the core of our beings, objects of love.
This is the precise reason I wrote For His Glory: Living as God’s Masterpiece. I wanted to teach women about God’s love that fights for them, rescues them, and gives them a new identity– calling us, His masterpiece. When I look at my own daughter and feel the surge of love for her, I know this is but a sliver of the way God sees and loves us. For His Glory is a verse by verse study of Ephesians, and my prayer is that it will help women see themselves as God sees them and for them to live each day as His masterpiece. This Bible study is dedicated to my daughter, Sydney. I pray these eternal truths shape and mold the woman she becomes as she grows in the revelation that she’s more than just her momma’s sunshine, she is God’s beloved!
Order your copy of For His Glory today and begin the journey of discovering who you are in Christ!